Eight reasons why you should bring the children to the Escape Room

Can children play Escape room games? Are some of the rooms appropriate for them or not? Naturally, they are. The 25 % discount for families with children during Saturday & Sunday in Questum is still valid. Here are eight reasons why to take children for a game to Questum:


- The time spent with family is the most valuable one. Parents in work and children sitting in front of screens- that’s a too frequent picture of families in the 21st century. With the game in the Escape Room you’ll get rid of the boring routine and regular habits.


- Trips and games make kids happier. It works for everyone. A nice trip gets rid of the stereotype, boredom, agitation and it will bring a smile to your face.


- Children learn new things. The best way to remember something is- to experience it. In Questum children will for example get to know the brilliant physicist Tesla and his inventions.


- Games are the key to a healthy development. Every child psychologist will confirm that you need to play with children. Children practice their attention skills, motor skills, persistence and the art of cooperation. Likewise they develop their creativity, confidence and other valuable attributes.


- You don’t have to wait for the holidays. The game doesn’t take a lot of time- it takes only about an hour. The entertainment centre is in an accessible part and therefore you can stop by for this mini trip on any working day.


- Adventure unites a group. A work team, couples, family, a group of friends.. All learn to cooperate better amongst themselves.


- A game can be giving as a reward for good grades. It’s a great motivation for school.


- Parents also need to practice “parenting“. According to certain research, every sixth father doesn’t know how to communicate with his children. Even bringing children up is an ability- and it can be practiced.