One escape room in Questum is dedicated to one of the biggest technical visionaries in history, who believed that science must always be in service of mankind. Nikola Tesla.
After his death he became a legendary and literary figure. He’s described as a contradictory, charismatic but also solitary scientist, who behaved cold towards people but was dedicated to research. The true aristocrat of spirit who caused the second industrial revolution.
Nikola Tesla discovered a lot of things. Some of them he improved, some never worked at all, some were predicted by him, and others he set the very foundation of. He constructed his own transformer, turbine, coil, but he was also interested in lightbulbs, x-rays and he patented electric motor or the remote control. He was at the origins of robotics, laser beams and wireless communication... He basically predicted the internet as well as the arrival of smartphones. His biggest success is considered to be the research of the alternative current.
His great supporter and friend was the writer Mark Twain, whilst the famous inventor Edison was his enemy and their rivalry was well-known. Half of New York feared that they would blow the city up.
When he was inspired, apparently he didn’t sleep for a few days. Perhaps the cause of his insomnia was also the nightmares he had as a child.
Be very careful of whether you address him as a native Serbian or Croatian. His origin causes great reactions in these countries. Tesla spoke fluently around ten languages, including Latin. By the way, apparently he also had a very uncommon sense of humour.
His biggest failure was the great tower on Long Island which should’ve transmitted electric current through air. It didn’t work and it was demolished during the war.
He was concerned about the consumption of fossil fuels and he dreamt about a renewable source of energy, during the time when there was still sufficiency of everything.
He was a poor economist, investing all of his money into research whilst he himself lived in a hotel. He wasn’t interested in entrepreneurship and had a very basic and cheap diet.
He died at the sound age of 86, but as it’s common with famous people- there were instant speculations about a murder. The FBI confiscated most of his things so that they „ wouldn’t end up in the wrong hands“.
He’s known for his whole set of obsessions and oddness. He was overly afraid of bacteria and dirt, avoided circles, jewellery and also certain hairstyles.